聖方濟各(Saint Francis of Assisi)是天主教的聖人,生於1181年,卒於1226年。他是方濟各會的創始人,以其對自然界的熱愛、對窮人的關懷和簡樸的生活方式而聞名。他的教導強調貧窮、謙卑和對上帝的愛。他也是動物的保護聖人,常被描繪與動物一起。聖方濟各的影響力在基督教和社會上持續至今。
例句 1:
The feast day of Saint Francis is celebrated on October 4th each year.
例句 2:
Many churches are named in honor of Saint Francis.
例句 3:
He is a widely revered Saint Francis.
例句 1:
Francis of Assisi 是動物的保護聖人。
Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals.
例句 2:
許多藝術作品描繪了Francis of Assisi的生平。
Many artworks depict the life of Francis of Assisi.
例句 3:
Francis of Assisi 的教導至今仍然影響著基督教信徒。
The teachings of Francis of Assisi continue to influence Christian believers today.
例句 1:
Holy Francis 的教導鼓勵人們關心弱勢群體。
Holy Francis' teachings encourage people to care for the marginalized.
例句 2:
在教會中,人們常常提到Holy Francis的榜樣。
In the church, people often refer to the example of Holy Francis.
例句 3:
Holy Francis 的精神影響了許多宗教運動。
The spirit of Holy Francis has influenced many religious movements.
例句 1:
許多人在動物節日裡會祈禱給Patron Saint of Animals。
Many people pray to the Patron Saint of Animals during animal festivals.
例句 2:
在許多地方,會舉行儀式來祝福動物,向Patron Saint of Animals致敬。
In many places, ceremonies are held to bless animals in honor of the Patron Saint of Animals.
例句 3:
Patron Saint of Animals 的影響力在當代社會中仍然存在。
The influence of the Patron Saint of Animals remains present in contemporary society.